Monday, February 17, 2014

Journeys and All

I'm looking forward to enter my twenties in just about four months or so. 
I hope to accomplish oh so much in that decade of my life. 
I hope that my career really takes off and I continue to follow in the direction of my dreams. 
I hope that I get married, possibly have a child by my late 20s. 
Oh the things to look forward to. I am sure there will be a share of troubles too but it will be worth it in the end. 
I look forward to travel with the man I love; to go out and have a beer if my heart wishes it so; to no longer live in this town; 
I could go on forever. 
But I'm not there yet, I have to make my way. To get to all those things I want, I have things accomplish. So here's a post and shoutout to my journey! 

" It ain't always about the destination, but the journey. "

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