Monday, August 19, 2013


I love the city.
But, I could never live there. Way too much man made.
I'd rather wake up every morning and see God's creation instead of man's.
I hope that one day, God-willing, I will be able to own, with my future spouse, a big piece of land by some mountains.
Our house will be located far away from society. But not too far where we have to travel miles.
I want to be able to hike everyday of my life.
I want to be able to worship God in His creation and in peace.
Theres something about the forest that makes my heart want to sing. 

Monday, August 12, 2013



That's what was been ordered and told of me to do. I'm battling this so hard man. It's getting too tough. I've got one foot in the world and the other somewhere else. I've become lukewarm. This is not what I want of my life.
Lord I need You here, I need You. Fill me with You presence. Forgive me for my wrong doings.
He never lets His children stray far away... How great is His love for us

Thursday, August 1, 2013

I am a listener

I am a listener.
I've grown up thinking and living that if I ever spoke my mind, it would destroy me. 
So, I keep my ears wide open and my mouth locked up without a key.
This has hurt me but has done the opposite as well.
I've kept everything inside for so long that I am hurting more than I should be.
I almost don't know how to speak at times. Sounds crazy but that's how I've become.
It has helped me become more wise.
As I pay attention, I notice things around me. I am able to take it all in and learn from it all. 
Sometimes it is wise to say nothing at all than to look foolish. 
Not that by speaking is foolish but those who don't take care of their tongue can be foolish..
I am listener because of the pain, but I would rather have it that way because His glory is reigning through my struggles.